June 4, 2024

Building Porto

This year, 2024, looks like will be a year full of re-visiting things. Start from revisit this blog, give another shot to learn skateboarding and now I also try to going back to freelancing world. I started with visiting my Upwork account, event though I did not get much from there, but I will try another shot with Upwork this year, so I logged in to my Upwork account and found out that my account was become restricted, I had to follow an instruction to verify my profile by providing some id card and also a selfie! The process it self only took less than a day.

Now my Upwork account is active and will start to polish my profile there. I realize that too “sell” my self, I need to showcase my work, but unfortunately, since most of my works were involving private companies and each of the projects are strictly confidential, so I need to make another “shadow” project to at least fill in my portofolio in the Upwork profile.

I’m targeting to make a simple projects for mobile dev, game dev and some use cases in machine learning. I also will trying to, again, revisiting my Kaggle account and start building a profile there.

It will be a quite challenging journey, but also exciting! 😬

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