June 2, 2024

Re-visit Skateboarding World

4 months ago while I was scrolling videos in Youtube shorts, the video about a man who learned to play skateboarding at his late 30s or 40s suddenly popped up. It was kind of intriguing me. From the short video I came to the channel and turned out that the channel is all about how to skate in proper way. The channel name is SkateIQ, and I went through the videos on that channel, I could say it is awesome channel. The instructure, Mitchie Brusco, guide his student in very intuitive ways. Lot of his videos showed the students went fail at the first, but after some guidance from him, surprisingly the students got better, even most of them landed their tricks!

There also lot of videos about tricks and tips on how to do the trick in a “good” way to help us, the viewers, to improve our progress in skateboarding. From there I was just want to restart to play skateboard, actually I already played skateboard in the past, I was stuck in doing kickflip until I gave up.

There was a hesitation to restart, the main big reason is because all of my friend was totally stopped playing skateboard, I’m kind of worry to be bullied by the younger skateboarder if I join with this “rubbish” skateboarding skill (I know this was only in my head, but that thing is still freak me out!).

For the solution, I thought I was just register to some skateboarding school, gain some basic skill and also friends from there and hopefully can erase my “unfounded fear”. After some research, I chose a skateschool that is located in Elbricks skatepark, Jakarta. My coach is Maurietz, a skateboarder from Depok who joined a Fellow skateboard team. It is almost two months now and I would say that my progress seems to be more faster than I play skateboard alone.

Until now, I’m able to drop in, doing a backside and frontside kick turn even though is still rough, but I’m working on it! And also I re-learn the ollie!. At least I’m quite confidence now if I play skateboard in a skatepark, I can cruise better with the board!

Let see how is my progress through this guided training, and also I plan to try to join with some fellow who always play skateboarding every thursday night in GBK, hope I can blend with them well! 😬

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