August 26, 2021

This Blog

I generated this blog using Hugo, “a static site generator written in GO” as written in Hugo’s website. There is no other reason to use Hugo, but to fulfill my curiosity about using Hugo.

Before I’m using the Github page to host my blog, I already tried to use web hosting to host my blog. My first blog was a WordPress blog ( then I rented a hosting+domain and hosted my blog there with the same name but with a domain. My blog only last for three years and then last year I tried to buy another hosting+domain so that I can build a blog using Hugo. Unfortunately, until the subscription was ended, my blog is not finished.

As I mentioned earlier, this blog is using Hugo with Kiss as its theme. I followed the tutorial from this site -> hosting Hugo.

Very excited to see how far I can utilize this tools. 😬

© Fanni Ikhwan 2020

Powered by Hugo & Kiss.