June 4, 2024

Building Porto

This year, 2024, looks like will be a year full of re-visiting things. Start from revisit this blog, give another shot to learn skateboarding and now I also try to going back to freelancing world. I started with visiting my Upwork account, event though I did not get much from there, but I will try another shot with Upwork this year, so I logged in to my Upwork account and found out that my account was become restricted, I had to follow an instruction to verify my profile by providing some id card and also a selfie! Read more

June 2, 2024

Re-visit Skateboarding World

4 months ago while I was scrolling videos in Youtube shorts, the video about a man who learned to play skateboarding at his late 30s or 40s suddenly popped up. It was kind of intriguing me. From the short video I came to the channel and turned out that the channel is all about how to skate in proper way. The channel name is SkateIQ, and I went through the videos on that channel, I could say it is awesome channel. Read more

August 26, 2021

This Blog

I generated this blog using Hugo, “a static site generator written in GO” as written in Hugo’s website. There is no other reason to use Hugo, but to fulfill my curiosity about using Hugo. Before I’m using the Github page to host my blog, I already tried to use web hosting to host my blog. My first blog was a WordPress blog (sayafanni.wordpress.com) then I rented a hosting+domain and hosted my blog there with the same name but with a web. Read more

December 24, 2020

First Post

If I remember correctly, my last blog posting was 4 years ago in my personal blog that’s already dead (sayafanni.web.id). Since then I’m just writing and documenting what I’ve done in a notes with a mess structure of writing or sometimes only a bunch of keywords that I forgot what it’s all about in the next day. So, because of those reasons, I will going back to write my experiences in a proper writing format and also publish it, just in case if there are people who are facing the same problem like I did. Read more

© Fanni Ikhwan 2020

Powered by Hugo & Kiss.